Robert Ponzio:
Educating Creativity
More than 20 years experience teaching at the University and Secondary levels.
I am proud to be an Ontario Certified Teacher #710159 in
Visual Art,
First Nations Studies (FNMI),
Special Education1, and
Technological Design.
I am also proud to be a contracted full-time Art teacher at East Elgin Secondary School in Ontario, Canada. Go Eagles!
•Current resume and references
are available upon request
My educational mission is to nourish the learning spirit of my students, so they develop the self-confidence, creativity, global awareness, and critical thinking skills required to live healthy, successful lives in the 21st century.
I am committed to creating an emotionally balanced and respectful, learning environment that will honor and allow all learners the opportunity to embrace their identities and develop their fullest potential while engaging and enriching the wider community in the process.
Students are greeted at my classroom door by a sign that reads "Visual Research Laboratory". My classroom is indeed a laboratory where products and ideas are invented and developed to their fullest potential. Following the Universal Creative Process, (much like the Engineering and Design Process), students learn to logically research, develop, and prototype their ideas into meaningful, physical works. Understanding how to apply this creative process to all aspects of life is the true value of my courses.
Artist Joseph Beuys coined the slogan “Creativity = Capital” This slogan is an assertion that creativity and the capital it produces (value), are the fundamental forces for the reformation and betterment of society.
His popular aphorism “everyone is an artist,” was not meant to compel everyone to produce traditional fine “artwork.” Rather it was the logical distillation of his conception that human creativity is the driving force behind the social, economic, and material transformation of society for the better.
No matter what field of study students may choose to pursue, to achieve their potential and benefit society in the process, embracing the creative process will help them adapt and be successful in their endeavors. An encouraging message of self-empowerment underlies everything I teach.
Robert Ponzio
Skype: Mr.Ponz
​I am a certified educator and arts administrator with experience with K-12 and University students. My aim is to positively inspire my students and school community through direct creative action locally and globally while teaching the critical thinking and creativity skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
About Me:
My most current resume and references
are available upon request.
Thank you for contacting me!
Sincerely, Robert Ponzio
Robert Ponzio
Innovative Academic
Providing Leadership Creativity Education,
Global Artistic Outreach, and other
Innovative Academic Initiatives.