Personal Artwork
I am an actively exhibiting artist with work featured in many private and public collections internationally. When I am not painting on canvas live in public or in the studio, I am carving large wood panels to create my imagery. I have exhibited my work around the world and have had many opportunities to interact with artists, musicians, and the public using Art as a universal language.
For more information about my artwork, please visit my website: HardcorePainting.com and blog page.
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Recent Work
My most recent carved wood work is inspired by the natural world around me. These images are created using a grinder and chisels.

Created with my sons and students in mind, these large carved wood images celebrate the work ethic our immigrant forefathers displayed with their labor to give them the opportunity to work hard in education.

The Blues
My love of music has inspired a number of my works. My largest carved wood installation is on permanent display as part of the collection at the BB King Museum in Mississippi. Other works have been included in several private and public collections internationally. I have also painted live at clubs, concerts, and events around the world. Celebrating and interacting with the music and musicians I love is always a lot of fun!

Zero Gravity Art
I was awarded the opportunity to make art in Zero Gravity aboard G-Force-1 thanks to a program sponsored by NASA, Space Florida, Northrop Grumman, SpaceTEC, the Stephen Hawking Microgravity Educational and Research Center, and the Zero Gravity Corporation, on December 7th, 2008. It was an unforgettable experience!